Base Maintenance
Elevating base maintenance excellence

Earlier this year, HAECO Hong Kong embarked on an ambitious project to elevate its service standards to new heights by partnering with the renowned Porsche Consulting firm. Dubbed the 'HAECO Ahead' initiative, this transformative project seeks to revolutionise its operations model by centralising resource control and planning. This strategic approach not only helps to minimise the impact of variables such as manpower and material availability, it also enables frontline staff to increase their 'hands-on metal' time and perform base maintenance work even more efficiently.


In the first half of 2024, we launched a pilot programme in partnership with United Airlines. During the initial phases, they established the effectiveness of the new operations model and collected invaluable feedback from their frontline mechanics and engineers to continuously refine the process. Most encouragingly, the programme received highly positive responses from United Airlines, who have even provided guidance to scale up the model to cover more aircraft fleets.


By significantly reducing material queuing times and generating potential cost savings for our customers, the HAECO Ahead programme serves as a strategic hedge against the ongoing shortage of skilled labor in the industry. It also helps HAECO to strengthen its competitive edge and deliver mutual benefits to the organisation and its valued customers.


HAECO Hong Kong plans to extend the scope of this transformative programme to serve an even broader range of customers in the future.