Company Events
Celebrating Labour Weeks to recognise and empower our Hong Kong employees

In Hong Kong, we took the annual Labour Day celebration on 1 May a step further by organising Labour Weeks - a cross-functional initiative involving teams from across our operations, including base maintenance, line maintenance, and material management.


The goal of Labour Weeks is to foster deeper understanding between management and frontline staff, as well as promote greater collaboration and unity across the organisation. By providing managers with first-hand experience of the daily processes and challenges faced by our hardworking frontline teams, they can gain crucial insights to drive even greater operational efficiency and support.


This hands-on engagement and participation from management also makes our frontline staff feel truly heard and appreciated, strengthening morale and cultivating a culture of open communication. As we acknowledge the invaluable contributions of our people, HAECO remains steadfast in our commitment to empowering our workforce and ensuring their voices are amplified.