HAECO Hong Kong’s MM Mobility system is enhancing the efficiency and flexibility of Material Management’s (MM) Stores and Logistics operations, which control the supply chain of aircraft materials that support HAECO’s MRO activities.
MM Mobility is a tailor-made system that enables real-time management and monitoring of the flow of aircraft parts and components within HAECO Hong Kong’s facilities. The system uses mobile application tools accessed via the latest handheld devices, tablets and ring scanners.
In the past, the Stores and Logistics team has largely relied on paper instructions for their operations; but without real-time data, the team could not respond in a timely manner to ad-hoc changes or order cancellations, resulting in wasted resources and manpower. MM Mobility interfaces with HAECO’s Enterprise Resource Planning system, meaning material acquisition data can be updated in real-time. Operators with immediate access to the latest updated information via their handheld devices can now deploy manpower efficiently and flexibly.
Supported by a GPS system and beacon tags, the location and status of requested parts can be tracked through every checkpoint of the delivery process. The high visibility assists user departments in maintenance planning.
MM Mobility was first implemented in April 2019 and its functions keep improving. As of November 2020, 32 mobile apps and nine backend functions have been developed, covering 90% of Stores and Logistics’ workflow. Further enhancements are in the pipeline to benefit resource planning and wider operational needs.