To create an inclusive and supportive working environment for its people, HAECO’s parent company, Swire Pacific, has identified a diversity and inclusion strategic framework with five focus areas. These are: gender/gender identity, ethnicity, age, disability, and sexual orientation.
HAECO Group has recently set up its own Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee to advocate for the wellbeing of staff and the sustainability of the business, and has developed a five-year plan, based on the strategic framework identified by Swire. HAECO aims to become the most inclusive Asian headquartered MRO and its diversity and inclusion strategy forms part of the HAECO Group 2030 Sustainable Development Strategy, as well as the revised HAECO Group Vision, Mission and Values.
The inaugural HAECO Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee meeting was held on 29 July, attended by team leaders, senior executives, and the diversity and inclusion working groups. Ms Olivia Wong, Group Head of Diversity and Inclusion for John Swire & Sons (HK) Ltd, joined the meeting virtually as facilitator, and outlined the diversity and inclusion roadmaps developed by other Swire Pacific companies such as Cathay Pacific and Swire Coca-Cola.
Joining Olivia to kick off the meeting electronically was Frank Walschot, Chief Executive Officer of the HAECO Group, who highlighted the importance of diversity and inclusion and how it supports HAECO business growth in four dimensions: leadership, talent, customers, and investors. The Group aims to establish three working groups to support HAECO’s diversity and inclusion initiatives: Women’s Network, Male Allies and Ethnicity Group.